Peter F

I have recently completed an Advanced Diploma in Kinesiopractic (ICPKP), at Kinesiology Connection in Hawthorn, Victoria. It was the culmination of almost 5 years of study, and included a Certificate IV (ICPKP) and a Diploma in Kinesiology (International) (ICPKP).

The PKP method that is taught provides a highly practical, hands-on approach which allowed me to start my practice in my first year of study. I decided to continue into the Diploma in Kinesiology  as I wanted to expand my expertise and provide more comprehensive services to clients.

After gaining the Dip. Kinesiology (International), I realised how dramatically more effective and comprehensive my kinesiology balances with clients were. I gained a much broader understanding and skill level and thus I became more confident in my practice. I then didn’t hesitate to continue into the new and advanced Diploma in Kinesiopractic when it was offered.

I can state with certainty that adding the Kinesiopractic skills has taken my professional practice and client results to a totally new level. Importantly I have had significant personal shifts and life changes in many areas of my life.

I highly recommend the Kinesiopractic level of qualifications to anyone who wants to provide top level service to their clients and to gain the personal development, confidence and satisfaction that comes with it.
I would be happy to speak with anyone who is considering studying Kinesiopractic.