Ed Faust

Ed Faust - Kinesiology Connection Melbourne

Originally, I spent many years researching all avenues of western medicine for my own health issues, with no discernible improvement. Subsequently I sought further help via alternative and complementary therapies, with varying but little success. It was only after I was introduced to PKP® Kinesiology in Melbourne that my health issues improved dramatically, and my fascination with the Kinesiology process was borne. That practitioner turned out to be one of the leading Kinesiology Trainers in the world at the time, who then became my teacher and mentor.

I have maintained a busy and successful practice for almost 30 years, and continually delve into clinical research, updating my knowledge base by examining valid new methods and modalities on the forefront of energy medicine. These valid and proven techniques are then woven into the practical work, and the training courses at Kinesiology Connection.

My focus remains on facilitating powerful change through Kinesiology sessions, and Kinesiology training – offering personal consultations, helping to create and maintain wellbeing and vitality. The high standard being offered to both clients and students is part of an ongoing commitment to provide and teach the most effective type of Kinesiology available.

I have been teaching Kinesiology programs since the mid 1990’s, and as the Director of the premier Kinesiology College in Melbourne it is my continued goal to offer optimal Kinesiology training, from the basics to a successful Career level, and beyond to the Advanced Kinesiology Training (Kinesiopractic®). I also offer Total Body Modification training modules, previously only available to Chiropractors and Doctors. These gentle techniques complement the PKP® training, creating a very high standard of practitioner. Kinesiology Connection offers the most comprehensive Kinesiology Career Training program available, with the world-renowned PKP® curriculum being the gold standard in the industry. As the principal, I am the Senior International Faculty ICPKP® for the complete Post Graduate Diploma of Kinesiopractic®, as well as ICPKP® trainer of Faculty, and Total Body Modification instructor. My aim and objective is to help people make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. The modalities I apply and teach together with my expert teaching staff are proven to be extremely effective, harmonising you on all levels.

Contact Ed’s clinic here


Ed Faust
Kinesiology Connection
982-984 Toorak Road
Camberwell Victoria 3124